Thursday, August 14, 2008


Being indecisive is being always a problem for people . They always find there are lot of options in front to decide upon. But ultimately they will be in a stage of lot of confusion so they wont be able to take the right decision at right time. Why people become indecisive? Is it because of the reason that they don`t know what is exactly right for them, Fear of facing change, consequences, yes all this comes as reasons for being indecisive. Knowing what is right and what is wrong is always a tough say. No one can predict its 100% going to be the best for one person. This leads to people being confused at one juncture of life without knowing where should he/she must go. These sort of personalities tend ask for a back up or support from some one to go further. These people tend to take lot of time in taking decisions considering all the options available to reach the final decision. I found that if they are taking some quick decision, they tend to think about it lot of times after taking it and will start worrying about it. How we can come out of it? I feel its always good to take time to take time in taking decisions considering all options. And its not easy to change at one point of time to take the decisions quick. And I feel there is no need of being worried about being unable to taking time, but if they take time they consider all the options and take a decision which is really worth of taking it. I always felt decisions require time. Jumping into things all in a sudden is never been my habit. I always took time for my decisions. Sometimes I was forced to take it fast and landed most of time in soup.